EAS Programs
Wednesday Elective sessions run five to six weeks and provide the opportunity for students to try something new for a limited amount of time. All elective payments go through EAS PTO.
Camps & Adventures
EAS Students attend three, one-week long camping/adventures each year:
Click here to learn more about EAS camps and adventures.
Community Service Projects
All EAS students participate in two 4-day blocks of Community Stewardship Projects (CSP) during the school year. A variety of projects provides students with opportunities for active involvement in both environmental and social stewardship in their community.
Health Fair
The EAS Health Fair is an enriching 3-day conference and is one of the ways district and state Health Curriculum guidelines are met.
Contact to inquire about volunteer opportunities.
Staff Appreciation
During the year, PTO supports "Monthly Meals" for our amazing EAS staff. Additionally, we host a cookie exchange before winter break and celebrate our teachers on or around National Teacher Appreciation Week.
Contact to inquire about volunteer opportunities.
PTO hosts the EAS End of Year Celebration, 8th grade dinner/dance, and 8th grade graduation. We also organize structured family events and encourage building community between our families.
Contact to inquire about volunteer opportunities.